The installation of the board is very easy:

 -rez the board
 -touch the Board to open menue
 -choose "LM & Pic" from the menu
 -drop LM & Pic into the board,
   (hold CTRL key while pulling them onto the board)
   [Notecard ist optional, use the same way but insert Notecard first]
 -the board telling you that preloading starts, wait up to 30s
 -visit your statistic website by choosing "statlink" at menue
   check the link to your LM location and try to teleport to this place from a different sim
   (use only a LM from the region how you placed the board)

Chancge design or color:

 -touch the board
 -choose "design" or "color"
 -choose a designnumber or color
 (find the available designs at our webpage at "ADBOARD/DESIGN"

The board starts and fetches the ads.
(if you are using more than five AdBoards, you got no startcredits)


Classic board
we have different designs, switch it by choosing at the boardmenue
Choose "ADBOARD/DESIGN" on this page to see all available designs

Mesh board
Different colors for the borderline


visit us at our in world contact point

 there you will find a adboard giver
     visit us